Tips to Avoid Dental Implant Failure
Dental implants are the most advanced solution for adult tooth loss. Dental implants replace the roots of a missing tooth and provide a secure and durable anchor for a wide range of dental restorations, including crowns, bridges, and dentures. With proper care, dental implants can last a lifetime.
Before dental implants can fully restore the bite, they have to fuse with the tissues within the patient’s jawbone. This process of osseointegration is vital to dental implant success. Dr. Thomas Tang helps our Brookfield, WI, patients avoid dental implant failure by offering some tips that will promote dental implant recovery and successful osseointegration.
Maintain Good Oral Hygiene Habits
Infection is one of the leading causes of dental implant failure. An infection can develop if bacteria gets into surgical incisions and inflames the tissues around the surgical site. Patients will be given antibiotics to take during the weeks following dental implant surgery; these can reduce the risk of infection. Patients can further minimize the risk of infection by practicing good oral hygiene habits.
Brushing and flossing remove harmful bacteria from the mouth. Although patients can begin brushing and flossing immediately following dental implant surgery, they will need to avoid brushing directly over incision sites. To complement regular oral hygiene habits, patients should use an antibacterial rinse or saltwater rinse to keep food particles and bacteria out of incision sites.
Stick to Soft Foods
Our Brookfield patients need to be careful not to disrupt dental implants while they heal. Any excessive force can interfere with the osseointegration process and prolong healing or lead to dental implant failure. Even biting down on solid foods can be damaging during the early stages of dental implant recovery. Patients should plan to stick to a diet of liquids and soft foods for at least the first couple of weeks after dental implant treatment.
Refrain from Smoking
Smoking has been shown to restrict blood flow. This prevents the blood from delivering all the oxygen and nutrients that the gums and jaw need to heal from dental implant surgery. Because smoking interferes with surgical healing, it significantly increases the risk of dental implant failure.
The only way to prevent smoking from contributing to dental implant failure is to avoid this habit altogether. Smokers who will be undergoing dental implant treatment should be prepared to quit smoking at least one to two weeks prior to their procedure, and should continue to refrain from smoking for at least four to six weeks afterwards, but preferably longer.
Follow All Post-surgical Care Instructions
The information provided here should serve as a helpful guideline. However, each of our Brookfield patients will be provided detailed post-surgical care instructions prior to the dental implant procedure. It is vital that patients follow these instructions precisely to avoid the risk of dental implant failure. This includes scheduling all recommended follow-up care, and continuing to follow through with regular dental exams and cleanings.
Get in Touch
If you have more questions about dental implant treatment and the recovery process, Dr. Thomas Tang would be happy to provide you with more information. Send us a message at your earliest convenience or call (262) 207-4867 to schedule an appointment.